Preventative DentistryMidwest City, OK

Taking care of your smile is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your overall health. In fact, keeping your teeth and gums healthy can reduce your risk of many serious problems that have a holistic impact on your entire body. This is why it’s so important to find a quality dentist who offers preventative dentistry services—to prevent problems before they happen.

Practicing Prevention At Dentistry By Design

At Dentistry By Design, we recognize prevention as the core of our practice philosophy. We know that only through regular preventive care and healthy oral habits is it possible to maintain a healthy smile throughout your life. Our team of experienced hygienists and dentists is passionate about helping you keep your smile healthy—that’s why we dedicate ourselves to educating patients, inspiring healthy habits, and offering preventative services in an office designed for optimal comfort. Call our Midwest City, OK office today to schedule your visit!

What Is Preventative Dentistry?

Before exploring our preventative services, it’s important to first understand the concept. Preventative dentistry is a branch of oral healthcare focused on preventing dental diseases by practicing proper oral hygiene habits and receiving regular dental check-ups. It’s designed to help keep the mouth clean and healthy in order to reduce the risk of issues such as tooth decay and gum disease.

At Dentistry By Design, we maintain the smiles of our patients by remaining proactive in our approach, which means keeping our focus on prevention, detection, and early intervention of dental problems.

Why Does It Matter?

Maintaining your oral hygiene by seeing the dentist regularly and keeping up with healthy habits at home makes a big difference in your overall oral health. By prioritizing your smile now, you’re less likely to experience an emergency because we are able to catch any small problems before they become big. Additionally, preventative dentistry ensures that you’ll be able to keep your natural teeth for many years to come. This can help you avoid the need for restorative treatments such as fillings, crowns, bridges, and dental implants.

If keeping your smile in shape isn’t enough of an incentive, consider that your mouth also plays an important role in your overall health. Poor oral hygiene can lead to serious conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and even cancer. By taking care of your teeth and gums, you can reduce your risk of developing these health issues.

Cleanings & Exams

At Dentistry By Design, we provide a comprehensive range of preventative services to our patients, including cleanings and exams. During your cleaning appointment, our hygienist will remove plaque, tartar, and any other debris from your teeth. This is important for preventing cavities, and gum disease, and keeping the breath fresh.

After the cleaning is complete, your dentist will perform a comprehensive exam. This involves checking for cavities, gum disease, damaged restorations, and any other issues that may be present. If anything is found, your dentist will discuss the best treatment plan to restore the health of your smile.

Tooth Extractions

While no one wants to think about needing a tooth extraction, there are times when it’s the best option. At Dentistry By Design, we promise to only extract a tooth if it is for the purpose of preventing further damage to the mouth. This may be necessary in cases of severe decay, infection, crowding, or trauma. While we will always consider a less invasive treatment option first, tooth extractions can be important for protecting the overall health of the smile.

If we discover that a tooth extraction is the best approach for your situation, we will explain all of the details and answer any questions you may have. We take great care to ensure that the process is as painless as possible, and we will provide post-operative instructions to help you recover quickly. We may also suggest restorative treatments such as a bridge, denture, or dental implant to fill the space; that way, you can have a plan in place to restore your smile following the extraction.

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